Sep 5Liked by Siddharth Rajsekar

Today at 4.54 pm, I was able to talk to my most favourite teacher after many many decades and wished him "Happy Teachers' Day" for the first time in the last 55 years. The last time I met him was a decade back, when I was in Alliance Francaise, Bangalore, where I was attending French Classes along with my daughter. He is Sampatur Vishwanath (popularly knows as SV), who has won umpteen number of awards for his literary and stage activities, now around 85 years. He remembered me very well, as I was his favourite student too due to my art and creative activities in the school. We spoke for quite some time and he was in full joy when I wished him Teachers' Day. Truly a great experience and worthy of great memory.

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Sep 5Liked by Siddharth Rajsekar

You simply touch the hearts and ufff.. take us in the nostalgic experience.. Why do you write so artistically beautiful! I start aspiring for articulative expression . Thank you for sharing Sidz 😍👏🏻

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Wonderful Read ! I really want to thank my teacher Sukhdev Roy sir, his wisdom words always inspired me to think out of the box and embrace uniqueness rather than being mundane in school and college days. That's why I love his examples and teachings. His learnings and teachings inspire to the core. His vibe was enough to grab attention. Still hold lot of respect and gratitude towards him. During that time I used to give self created Happy Teachers Day cards to show my gratitude and respect. Feeling Nostalgic after reading your blog :). Happy Teachers Day Sidz Thanks for your wonderful teachings and Guidance! Truly blessed to have you in my life. Thanks and Gratitude!

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Sep 5Liked by Siddharth Rajsekar

Life is soooo magical, today is teachers day and once again life bestoed me with the best teacher… Siddharth.

I have always had the best teachers in life, who always took out the best in me and always helped me to grow and be the best version of myself.. once again the same happened… inspite of knowing Sidz from 2020, I became the part of his family just 3 days back. I am soooo grateful and thankful to universe for giving be the best teachers ever♥️♥️… A special thanks for the mom my love and my besttttttest teacher.

Thank you Sidz for changing everything in just 3 days… I wish I could be like you.. bringing the real change.

Thank you to Miss R Basu

Thank you to Miss R Das

Thank you Sidz !!


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My first and best teacher is my Sudheer Anna. He was the person who changed my mind and made me believe in myself and showed me my true self. I am always grateful to have a teacher and mentor like him in my life. Thank you Anna for being who you are.

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Sep 5Liked by Siddharth Rajsekar

Happy Teachers Day! Really blessed to read this! Thanks for the down memory lane!

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Murali Mastrey, kept a close watch on what I learnt from the environment and how the earth is round

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Sep 5Liked by Siddharth Rajsekar

Thank you so much Anna for writing this article. This is truly gold. I have tears by the end of it. As I look back and remember all my teachers, the tough ones, the gentle ones, the strict ones, the visionaries, I am seeing all my experiences in new light and deeply grateful to each one of them. From the bottom of my heart, today pray for their wellbeing, health, peace and prosperity.

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Sep 5Liked by Siddharth Rajsekar

During my school years, I was fortunate to have many wonderful teachers, each of whom left a lasting impact on my life. Among them, two stand out in particular.

The first is my drawing teacher, Mr. Ganark Sarkar. He was the one who discovered the artistic potential within me, a talent I hadn’t fully recognized myself. Mr. Sarkar guided me in exploring and understanding this creative side, helping me build the confidence to pursue my artistic inclinations. Thanks to him, I developed an artistic mindset that continues to influence everything I do today. His teachings have become a part of me, shaping the way I approach life and work with a creative flair.

The second teacher who deeply influenced me was my 12th-grade chemistry teacher, Mr. Supratim Das. He played a pivotal role in helping me understand myself better, uncovering the inner strength and potential I possessed. Mr. Das instilled in me a sense of confidence, showing me that I could achieve anything I set my mind to. His guidance transformed me into a self-assured student, ready to take on any challenge.

Although I may not be in regular contact with these teachers due to the busyness of life, their influence remains with me. On this Teacher’s Day, I am especially reminded of them. I am deeply grateful for the intellectual and artistic foundations they helped lay in my character, which have been essential to my growth. I extend my heartfelt thanks and wish them both good health and happiness.

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I realized one more time today, that pictures indeed speak more than a thousand words. Although I got swayed into Sidz above piece end to end, the import hit me hard when I saw those pictures for the third time...saree clad teacher of English, (my veshti clad English teacher), the math guru who would nto leave you until you solved the problem with chalk on the blackboard (no matter how much the class peeled into laughter and you pleaded to be let go) and the PT teacher who blew his top everytime your shoe was not shined to show your face (sigh...how many of those saturdays I dreaded)....but gosh we miss them.

Tough love is indeed something. Today when your software director insists on reading comments in the code, you cringe. But its really no different. A teacher in a different form. At every stage in life.

What would we be without them?

Ok, so if thats so useful a role to play then what can I do about it? I asked myself. And decided that from today I will share a word, a tip, a note, a story in voice, video, text or picture with the world so it will help someone in need.

Shri Gurubhyo Namaha!

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When the student is ready the Guru will appear and the path becomes clearer. That happened in 2016 after years of going to the gym and doing my own thing. Ashwini was my gym instructor who I listened to and followed. I say you o no questions asked came easily with him. I discovered my path to real fitness and am now a part time personal trainer. I know the future is in this area. He showed me , not traught me the benefits of reading , loads of study around the domain. He showed me its possible to grow and get academic and stay practical about this career path.

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Sep 5Liked by Siddharth Rajsekar

Simple beautiful....feeling nostalgic....Thanks a ton SID feeling blessed and grateful to have you as a mentor. Happy Teacher's Day...love and best wishes

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Sep 5Liked by Siddharth Rajsekar


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Sidz you always have my pulse on what we need next putting me alwaysback to track to inner circle of focus on our 🥅🥅🥅 Goal Thankyou Gratitude

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Ohhh...🥹🥹🥹🥹 u made me cry by...ur today's....letter on teachers day....Thank u for such wonderful teacher ..mentor ...guide...always ur student 🙏🏻🙏🏻🥹🥹🥹

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Your article forced me to rewind old school memories , as i was reading , one after another the images of my teachers flashed in my memories and it left me tears .

Wisdom of our teachers gives a sense of calmess and soothes our soul.

Each of us are truly blessed to have one of the teachers that helped us in reshaping our lives , not to forget our parents that the Almighty has gave us which will always remain as a strong pillar that makes us stand tall and never let us down.

Thank you Siddarth for a nostalgic moment . HAPPY TEACHERS DAY .

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